Ragnarök is the collaborative work of Hans Peter aka CrimsonWarlock aka TechnoGremlin (synth concept, GUI design, user manual, patch programming) and Björn aka Full Bucket (DSP+GUI+patch programming). Read more about the background of this project in the user manual and in the respective KVR thread.
The main features of Ragnarök are:
- Up to 64 voices polyphony including portamento.
- Unique 3+1 band-limited oscillator bank - up to four oscillators per voice.
- Additional white noise generator.
- Multi-pole filter (6–12–18–24 dB/Oct low-pass or high-pass) with resonance.
- Two envelopes (ADSR or AD) with exponential slopes.
- Low frequency oscillator.
- Built-in Overdrive effect and 7 band graphic equalizer.
- Cool repeat/pseudo arpeggiator functionality.
- Double precision audio processing.
- All parameters can be controlled by MIDI controllers.
- Exchangeable graphics (for individual skinning).
- Plug-in comes in 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
- Fully compatible with SM Pro Audio's V-Machine.
Developer: Ragnarök